SPring-8 Accelerator Operation
trend of stored current
usual tuning
- BPM offset
- "Estimation and measurement of effective beam position monitor offsets
by using stored beam",K.Soutome et al, N.I.M.A459(2001)66
- (
Ann. Rep. 1998 )
- (
Ann. Rep. 1997 )
- beam size
- beam vibration
- betatron
tune using strip-line elecrods (Ann. Rep. 1999)
- 1-400Hz
(Ann. Rep. 1998)
- long
term (Ann. Rep. 1997)
- tune variation due to change of ID gaps
- non-linear dispersion and chromaticity
- "perturbative approach to nonlinear chromaticity of a circular accelerator",
M. Takao, EPAC(2000)1083
dispersion (Ann. Rep. 97)
- instabilities
- lifetime etc
- "Touchek lifetime and momentum aperture of the SPring-8 Storage ring",
M. Takao et. al.,EPAC(2000)1569
- energy spread
- optics
- "Optimization of optics with four Long Straight Sections of 30m for
SProng-8 Storage ring", H. Tanaka et. al, EPAC(2000)1086
calibration via betatron func & phase advance(Ann. Rep. 97)
- Hybrid & High
beta (Ann. Rep. 97)
- coupling
control (Ann. Rep. 97)
- Lattice
design (Ann. Rep. 1998)
- beam stabilization
- gound motion etc
- "Long term variation of the circumference of the SPring-8 storage
ring", M. Takao et al.,EPAC(2000)1572
- "Slow Ground Motion at SPring-8", S. Date, 22nd ICFA (2000)Report
- commissioning
- beam stabilization
- bunch by bunch feedback
- low energy operation
status reports