Top-up operation at SPring-8


Top-up Operation of SPring-8 Storage Ring with Low Emittance Optics (EPAC06)
TOP-UP Operation at SPring-8 [ Towards Maximizing the Potential of a 3rd Generation Light Source ] (EPAC04)

example of trend graph stored current
see alsopresent status and archives

suppression of stored beam oscillation

Optimization of Sextupole Strengths in a Storage Ring for TOP-UP Operation (EPAC04)
Suppression of Stored Beam Oscillation Excited during Beam Injection (EPAC04)

improvement on injection efficiency

Beam collimation System for the SPring-8 Top-Up Operation (APAC04)
Injection Beam Loss at the SPring-8 Storage Ring (EPAC04)
Transverse bunch by bunch feedback system for the SPring-8 Storage Ring(EPAC04)

stable operation

Improvements of SPring-8 Linac Towards Top-up Operation (EPAC04)
Method for stabilizing beam intensity and energy in the SPring-8 linac (NIMA516(2004)249-269 )

injection scheme

bunch current measurement
program for beam injection
measurement of injection efficiency
injection of pure single bunch

Bunched Beam Cleaning System of SPring-8 Booster Synchrotron (PAC03)
Dark Current Reduction System for the SPring-8 Linac (EPAC06) THPCH170

timing system

safety issues

This page is under developement
[email protected] 10 Jul /2006